In contrast, the youth folk musical found its genesis in local congregations, especially among Southern Baptists, with the composition of Good News (1967) by Bob Oldenburg. Stephen Schwartz followed this with Godspell (1971), which opened off-Broadway. Webber and Rice preceded Superstar with Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, a rock musical comedy. The Christian rock musical gained prominence with Jesus Christ Superstar (1970), music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice, which opened on Broadway in 1971.

For the original recording of Celebrate Life, see. Red received honorary doctorates from William Jewell College (Independence, MO) and William Carey College (Hattiesburg, MI). He was the executive record producer of the most widely used music textbooks in the United States, Silver Burdett Making Music Series. He founded the critically acclaimed male chorus, The Century Men, at the request of the Southern Baptist Radio and Television Commission in 1969 and served as its director until 2013 (Hammond, 1992, pp. Clawson and Courtney were married in 1973.īuryl Red, a native of Little Rock, Arkansas, graduated from Yale University (MM, 1961) and was active as a composer, editor, orchestrator, producer, and consultant in venues throughout the United States, including Broadway as well as abroad. 1948) was the featured soloist on the original cast album of the musical. Dove and Grammy award winner Cynthia Clawson (b. He has published several books of poetry. Courtney’s career has consisted of freelance work and positions at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville) as Associate Professor of Church Drama (1984–89) and Director of the Center for Christianity and the Arts, Houston Baptist University. Both Courtney and Red share Baptist roots, Courtney as an alumnus of Louisiana College (BA, 1964), and Red as an alumnus of Baylor University (BM, 1957). These words were enhanced with a musical setting by Buryl Red (1936–2015) in one of the most successful youth musicals of the last decades of the twentieth century, Celebrate Life (1972). 1941), a playwright, poet, and actor, provided a memorable paraphrase and interpretation of the Words of Institution. Ruston, Louisiana, native Ragan Courtney (b.

Most liturgies base their Communion narratives on I Corinthians, which uses these words after each of the elements, giving extra weight to “remembrance.” In countless churches, Communion Tables have this sentence etched into them, making the phrase visually dominant in the ritual space, even during worship when not observing Communion. Two of these accounts include the sentence, “Do this in remembrance of me,” found once in Luke (22:19) and twice in I Corinthians (11:24 and 25). These words are central to the observance of the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, or Eucharist, depending on the particular faith tradition. Four accounts of the Words of Institution appear in scripture-three in the synoptic gospels (Matthew 26:26-28 Mark 14:22-24 Luke 22:19-20) and one from the epistles (I Corinthians 11:23-25).